Crypto throwers are FUCKING embarrassing

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Just watched s0m hit a clean ace (the enemy team fed it to him so they could draw) while this 2 kill raze was satcheling him ๐Ÿ˜‚
How can you be so ass and bet hundreds of dollars only to draw.
Not good enough that throwing ig LOL
Cringe bro


what is blud talking about
he drew because he didnt want to lose money, r u stupid


thats my point bro tried so hard to lose only for it to end in a draw LOL
its fucking sad


why are you so mad? its the easiest way to make money. also if the streamers are so mad about this they can easily avoid this putting delay, starting the stream when the match starts or just putting a black screen to avoid it. not everyone has the opportunity to make money sitting in a chair 24h or have a real job at young age. its literally just an online game. but if its in a official match its way different


not reading all that but ok


if you dont have a good response just dont reply lmao


throwing gets rid of the competitive integrity of a competitive game. specifically this is happening at the highest level that people can access without a tournament structure. whether or not it is a game, it doesn't justify grey area gambling where you try to sabotage your own team for money. it would be different if they were a third-party not in the match at hand, but they are in the match and directly influencing the matches' results. whether or not its the only way for a person to make money doesn't make it right. it ruins the games' longevity, and causes people more harm than benefit at the end of the day. btw all those suggestions are only a chance at avoiding those throwers, not 100%, so it doesn't even make the experience better for the streamer (who needs to stream as their income) and ruins the viewer's experience too (by adding black screens: which disrupt the entertainment, delay: which inhibits the streamer's interactions with the audience, and intermittent streams???: this is not a feasible option at all LMAO). There are certainly better options out there for people "struggling" to make money (even though they have low enough ping & consistent enough internet to play on their pc at high elo with other streamers.)


throwing gets rid of the competitive integrity of a competitive game๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“
i actually wasted the time of my life to read your essay but i aint responding all that, maybe tomrrow


have a nice night either way and i hope nothing similar happens to you๐Ÿ˜€


it is money on the line
u can call it scummy but people do alot worse for money
im just glad that people arent throwing in actual matches

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