Notice how nobody is celebrating the fact that NV won... everyone is just shit talking TSM. LOL
cause fucking TSM fans annoy everyone on this site
mad cuz it didnt come home
I actually like them, they havent really watched the team for 7 monhts or so, they just hoping that they win and try to generate hype.
Imagine being a Brit and calling others annoying
Nobodys happy that NV won everyones gassed cus TSM lost lmao there is something wrong here...
well its easy to hate on a team, it takes fuckin' balls to support a team even when they lost
tbf ur quite fair i respect you
thx u :)
and everyone shittalking T1 cause I have its flair
Cuz u shit talking first...
oOoOo c9 dIdNt eVeN qUaLiFy dOnT wRiTe mE
because us envy fans are not crazy and wont make a million threads about our team
Nah its just cuz there's only 2 of u
so what? doesnt matter the amount of fans we are still winning
tsm wins if bang and levi play decent