if ur analyzing a ranked match and realize how many mistakes ur team makes and how it can get you killed with what role ur filling then it becomes clear that ppl r "ranked demons" cus they just run round and do brainless shit and catch you out on mistakes, those ppl on ur team that overheat and die in post plants? yeah thats a "ranked demon" in his average game. the average immortal is so unaware of tactical FPS good habits that it's triggering to play ranked more than 2 hours a day. especially EU with the language barriers.
if ur thinking about going competitive then just focus on efficient habit building and controlling ur emotions, ive gotten close to radiant and ive only solo Q'd but have given up on it as even ppl in radiant dont really know what they're doing. I recommend any podcast/interviews with Steel or DaZed whether CSGO or Val.
I dont wanna come off like I know it all cus i dont but I do know how to communicate, entry, play safe, trade frag, util usage in 1 v x's, stalling sites, take space, contact strats, essential line ups, multiple agents, playing anchor, playing rotate, when to bait. thats like the average u should know especially in immortal but sadly its rare to find that even in the 400-500rr range