Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: August 24, 2022
Last post: February 4, 2023 at 9:50 PM
Posts: 17

Drop ur sharecodes for ur crosshair
will play 1 deathmatch with it
will share my thoughts after and give a rating outta /10

posted about 2 years ago

mf this why i said u chronically online, look how u interact with ppl. You got a neckbeard to go with ur shit social skills?

posted about 2 years ago

474 days ago, 1088 posts, thats like twice a day youve posted on VLR, why i said this isnt the place for self reflection

posted about 2 years ago

I have 13 posts on this site? OP has like over 1k XDDDDDDDDDDDD whats so ironic about that, idk how anyone can spend 8 hours online straight anymore. too much digital fluoride, #Zyzz

posted about 2 years ago

This thread isnt the place for self reflection, get help ur chronically online.

posted about 2 years ago

ppl have line ups and im aware of the twitter scene and sites like, @vladk0r etc I was just wondering if theres a dedicated sub reddit on line ups that pros use?

posted about 2 years ago

if ur analyzing a ranked match and realize how many mistakes ur team makes and how it can get you killed with what role ur filling then it becomes clear that ppl r "ranked demons" cus they just run round and do brainless shit and catch you out on mistakes, those ppl on ur team that overheat and die in post plants? yeah thats a "ranked demon" in his average game. the average immortal is so unaware of tactical FPS good habits that it's triggering to play ranked more than 2 hours a day. especially EU with the language barriers.

if ur thinking about going competitive then just focus on efficient habit building and controlling ur emotions, ive gotten close to radiant and ive only solo Q'd but have given up on it as even ppl in radiant dont really know what they're doing. I recommend any podcast/interviews with Steel or DaZed whether CSGO or Val.

I dont wanna come off like I know it all cus i dont but I do know how to communicate, entry, play safe, trade frag, util usage in 1 v x's, stalling sites, take space, contact strats, essential line ups, multiple agents, playing anchor, playing rotate, when to bait. thats like the average u should know especially in immortal but sadly its rare to find that even in the 400-500rr range

posted about 2 years ago

not true. climaxing has a bunch of positive effects after. "the surge of dopamine released during climax can be exactly what you need to gain a bit of mental clarity, while simultaneously boosting your focus and concentration ." "Studies have found that orgasms increase blood flow to multiple regions of the brain – including your sensory region, your brainstem and your frontal cortical regions. By stimulating blood flow, orgasms cause a surge of oxygen to flood your brain – essentially giving your brain a healthy boost of the element it needs to thrive." "engaged in sexual activity – including masturbation – had better cognitive function than their peers who abstained. For women in particular, this meant better memory recall."

you get the picture, i think if u bust and ur immediately tired then theres something off with ur hormones cus beating ur meat shouldnt drain ur energy but sex if ur laying down pipe then probably isnt the best cus you'll defo b sleepy.

posted about 2 years ago

and if u watched the videos of 100T that they put out they speak openly about how Mike had all the ideas at the start since sean was new to coaching Val, they even spoke about who should be in the main coach position placement at Champs to better communicate to the team.

posted about 2 years ago

they were the 1st banned i ever listned to independently at like 6 years old, they were the opening song for borderlands trailer, i remember being obsessed with them until like 14 :D

posted about 2 years ago

dude u wasnt even being offensive, i feel for ya man, ppl calling u a transphobe for ur OG post are unhinged and a misrepresentation of a misunderstood community. some of the trans community online are so cutt throat and unaccepting its shocking, hope it hasnt effected u too much <3

posted about 2 years ago

A)I mean the take on trans women competing in women's physical sport is pretty evident that there's clear advantages that they have against the cis women, from genetic to cultural reasons like competing in Mens sport for many years which is usually a completely different type of sport so coming from that into a womens league you're able to take what you've learned an apply it. Having bigger organs and bone structure and density yada yada yaa

But when it comes to Esports the clear advantage would be playing video games since u were a young boy that you usally wouldnt be doing as a young girl but i dont even think that take is valid, (unrelated to BoB i know nothing , just a hypothetical)my only opinion on this specific matter is protecting the womens league like it should be done in physical sports as they were created as a safe space. idk who's decision it should be to safeguard that but it wouldnt surpise me that later down the road ppl would deceive ppl of their gender identity to make an online career out of it and accumulate as much prize winnings and financial gain. When ppl are that hungry for money and all u have to do is sign up online, live a double life and lie to 4 ppl and come 1st in a tournament it wouldnt be so far fetched as the prize pools grow and more tournaments happen that are lesser known.

B) A lot of women that compete in womens sports are scared to speak out about not feeling comfortable with the fairness of competition because they're scared of public judgement like you literally showed, gaming has been right leaning for the past decade and only the last 6ish years its started to turn theat corner. So why act like a complete asshole on a forum site where the user was literally asking for opinions. then sent an article ,whether it was right or wrong, made a disclaimer that they werent tryna offend anyone? you handled that shit so poorly, you could have just been polite about it, trans issues are complicated even to ppl in that community, how tf u gonna advocate for trans rights when ur clearly acting out of malice. No wonder why the trans community attacks everyone even other trans ppl, shits so sad.

C) when did he refer to BoB as a guy? they literally used female pronouns? Again Trans issues are complicated asf you have to understand that not everyone has exactly the same opinion as you and others, So if you meant referring to them as a guy by asking if they had an unfair advantage that they would attain from being born a biological male, for a lot of ppl to understand trans topics it helps them a ton to use and not forget about the biological origins of that person in a non-offensive way because its most likely the first time they've had to start to do that in their life and arent used to it, the user was clearly doing that and wasnt trying to offend anyone at all. He clearly agrees that BoB is a women cus he used her pronouns gtfo urself.

Drisp if u see this if u wna know more about trans issues try and find someone in ur life and ask them about it, I find having a human connection with someone and having heartfelt conversations about complicated stuff like that to be really beneficial, just be mindful of what u ask incase of triggers etc

My gf spent a lot of time talking to me about it and sometimes it was painful for them but it was well worth it! :)

posted about 2 years ago

Sean "seang@res" Gares (born June 10, 1988) is a retired American professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive broadcast analyst and former professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Counter-Strike player. Years Active (Player):2005 – 2019. If you watcehd Thorins reflection with DaZed they both speak about Sean not really having that much authority and listened to other ppls idea to much. Both said one of the best minds and analysts in tatical FPS. Hmmm now he's a coach hmmm his biggest downfall as a leader was he couldnt replicate is elite level on the server but his VOD reviews and anti-stratting was S+ tier. Hmmm I wonder why ppl think with the hall of famer Sean "seang@res" Gares as a coach are taking over NA? Hmmm I WONDER!?!?

posted about 2 years ago

Hope they add agent ban so i can ban Reyna, they cant really buff her without making her OP in ranked to ppl who can aim. Unless they completely rework reyna's flashes.

posted about 2 years ago