how do we feel about this how do we feel about this
It could be because the viewership that rrq brings in mobile is the most in anywhere basically, but i dont get it because majority mobile games fans dont know shit about pc games and obv from the views rrq got when still playing with their old roster which isnt much, so idk why they didnt just grab boom in since they alr have a huge following in the pc scene in dota and valo.
idk riot saw these stats and got wet ig
Well that’s a lot of changes after making the “final” announcement
kellyS is kinda reasonable since RRQ still kinda needs a slightly more cracked duelist/entry player, but Nexi is still a solid player regardless if there are more players available that are actually better. Seems like there are things that are felt not working for the coaching staffs when it comes to making the roster competitive during scrims.
they're not "fully locked" they are "soft locked"
"Preliminary rosters submitted by October 15
As the days go by, we get more and more information regarding Valorant franchising. The most important one is that organizations have around three weeks to assemble rosters. Riot has notified all franchised teams that October 15 is the deadline by which they need to present an initial roster. The requirements state that they must have at least six players under contract and a coach, with regulated work status by that date.
According to Riot, the pre-season transfer period will last from 26 September to the start of February."
WTF IS HAPPENING WITH RRQ? this dogshit org can't even hold their vision. god I wish this shit org just fade into irrelevancy.
edit: can't Riot do something about this predatory shit? this is unhealthy for the scenes and affected SEA as a whole. these 2 players deserve better than this shit, they're just spit on their faces. fuck it's make me fumming knowing this org is from my country. fucking embarassement. the managements need to be lynched publicly
okay listen here you RRQ shils. yesterday was yesterday and now it's different matter, the fact that these 2 players haven't got a chance to play with the current roster (PH&ID mix) and then they pulled this sort of thing and you think people wouldn't be goes apeshit? are you a fucking buffon or just out of touch from reality?
RRQ dance with their career, their livehood and you still think it's alright? get the fuck out of here you subhuman RRQ shils. this gonna affected SEA and APAC scenes.
ketauan bgt kan kalo mereka cuma mau ngabisin kontrak player PH dulu, seharusnya kemarin2 langsung aja kick bayar beres sesuai kontrak gitu jd gak perlu lagi nunggu2 pas kontrak mau abis baru dikeluarin, gak tau jg sih tp menurut gua sih pasti mereka nih cuma nunggu kontrak playernya abis dulu, nexi sm kellyS kan player lama sedangkan emman sama 2ge baru bulan juli lalu join, gak heran dah kalo nexi sm kellyS yg keluar, nexi sih yg sayang bgt
Hmm, menurut gue emang aslinya RRQ mau sign mereka karena kan awalnya gak dapet Hagai. Cuma karena dapet ya jadi dilepasin apalagi Hagai sama Nexi role nya sama. Terlalu cepat announce sih, imo. Kalau cuma ngabisin kontrak gak mungkin di announce terus 2 minggu kemudian di kick. Mending di inactive/jangan di announce dulu.
udah gua bilang dari dulu ini org sekalinya scummy tetep scummy, yes they can still find other teams but why in god name they sign those players only to drop them soner (not even 3 months) lmao.
ini org dari awal udah bermasalah kayak gini kedepannya yakin ga ada masalah lagi? ntar di season berikutnya mau ngambil keputusan apalagi nih, poaching players di korea kah? atau bench roster sekarang demi roster baru di mid season?
that's where they fucked up big time
cuz why the fuck did they fucking signed em before they even doing scrims together? HELLOOO????
but i guess the warn from Riot and Lmemore Gen.G deal broke down also played a big part also imo
they were hard locking the roster with 5 PH and 1 INDO before they got warned from RIOT
Yeah. Ya all cried because the org signed these PH players. And now they’re gone so yeah, celebration I guess. I just hope they dont get themselves 5 man killed along the zipline again. indo signature move. Indo legendary move. Indo will forever be remembered for that zipline play and for the fans who thought indo is the strongest country in valorant.