Liquid vs Fnatic. Which is better?
Jamppi vs Derke
Sayf vs Chronicle
Redgar vs Boaster
Nats vs Alfajer
Soulcas vs Leo
How is sayf = Chronicle ?
When he has superior stats even than derke
How is sayf < Chronicle ?
When he has superior stats even than derke.
Well Fnc stans are quite delusional tbh. They'll choke once again next year.
I think Fnatic's firepower is going to end up overrunning teams. Theres a solid argument that Alfajer and Derke were the two best fraggers all year in Europe(stats back it up for sure but it's obviously not that cut and dry) and then they added chronicle who was probably a top 10-15 fragger as well. This teams firepower is unmatched, even their support players are crazy good. Boaster frags better than the avg IGL and Leo is a god we all know that. I'm more confident in them in 1 on 1s than a team like TL but Redgars IGLing could bridge that gap.
can't even overrun GEEKAY esports kekw
How is sayf < Chronicle ?
When he has superior stats even than derke.
Well Fnc stans are quite delusional tbh. They'll choke once again next year.