I'm just genuinely curious what y'all think the org is going to do. Will they drop ShaZam for FNS? Will they try to pick up Trent? What are your thoughts?
Surprisingly enough, I think the biggest thing they might do is pick zellsis back up for the team and then just move on from there. They now have more team staff and other tools at their disposal to perform. Nobody wants to see a trash team, so they might consistently practice and have higher quality practice too with partner teams.(hopium)
depends if shroud wants to play, a requirement for him was for it to be in LA and it is so, if that’s the case it comes to dropping shahz or dapr or both, or neither and then filling the final slot, they probably fill the final slot zellsis if they don’t drop anyone, too soon to tell anything, they might try and get some of the coaches/staff from the failed orgs