There is 3 spots for each international event right? Imagine South America getting each one of them LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
you wish bro
aint happening sorry :\
they're just 7 months old and will still improve a lot
best EMEA team is FPX and NA is Optic, they're together for more than 2 years and didn't reach Loud's level, while Loud's still improving and will be much more stronger in some months
Maybe Fnatic can improve and be a match for them because their roster is at least new, unlike Optic and FPX
Haven, Ascent, Breeze are old maps and Loud reached god level in them in just 7 months. While Optic can't even play Icebox. FPX got destroyed by DRX in Breeze, what a joke.