NA teams just don't lose on this map
Yes but Pearl is still new map on international event and just because some regions had better idea and then the meta evolved in certain way that works against other styles gives them big advantage coming here. Wait when teams actually know how each region plays and learn the map more. This is why you don't add new maps to Champions. Same can be said when Fracture came out with Fnatic. Its fluke map right now.
But the problem is that you can't know how new map works in international games before you see how each regions plays. Just because EMEA teams started playing Pearl in certain way and NA started playing it in certain way etc doesn't instantly mean that the other one is better. Teams adapt to how the region plays and when they enter international LAN no one knows how each other play. And then some styles are just going to work better than others. While when next tournament comes along teams will have bunch of footage of how different regions play and start making changes to their styles implement similar strats and then some other teams will again try to counter those etc. and that's how it evolves. And that's when we start actually seeing real competition.
you're talking about wanting to see how antistrats/counterstrats come into play when playing pearl, when arguably right now it's the most pure gameplay versing each other and seeing which region just plays the map better, instead of which region antistrats better. I think this is a better way of seeing which region just plays the map better.