For the 100th time, stop talking about rosters when it comes to franchising. Rosters doesn’t mean shit. One day you have the best roster and the next day they get poached or they start to disagree and the team breaks up.
Franchising is about orgs. Bleed had a lot of money and didn’t manage to do anything with them. They don’t have fans, they don’t have sponsors, they don’t have achievements.
PRX only has fans because of their players. They’re not active in other esports. The moment those players go to another org the fans will follow them. But that’s not what Riot wants. Riot wants to bring new fans to the game. That’s why you’ll see orgs like KCorp and KOI with massive fanbases in other games get a slot in EU. And that’s why you’ll see orgs with big fanbases in other games get slots in APAC instead of Xerxia, PRX etc