whats ur best method to rank up?
im hardstuck asc2 for a while now, i usually fill or play controller/initiator. people just dont talk, bait, hold angles on attack, dont use their util (smart).
im hardstuck g3 but its still high elo so it doesnt matter
i see no difference between gold and asc players
since when is g3 high elo?
in our hearts g3 are radiants
since i cant get out of it
no joke i met bigger demons in gold than in diamond rn
So true
Play with someone else, two people with coordination can do pretty well even if the rest of the team isn’t on the same page 100% of the time.
Play kayo and tell your instalock ur flashing for them. And u can frag out too if they suck or die a lot.
play with nats
i wish
U are the same rank as FNS. Duo with him
Trio is always the best option for me I usually play duo