by giving brazil chances to get 3 spots for champion
wtf? what type of preferential treatment we are getting this year? BR have a chance of getting 3 teams on champs just like latam. NA isnt even that good at vlr (exceptions being old SEN and OPTIC) and have 3 guaranteed spots. why are you complaining about br WHO IS NOT GUARANTEED TO HAVE 3 TEAMS THERE saying we get preferential treatment?
You are the most delusional and hating fanbase in this site, do this shit over and over then play víctims, like you are right now
onde ta a gente espalhando odio? em um ele falou a verdade, kru é arrogante, em outro falou outra verdade, loud > kru, no 3 é o supernova q sófala merda e ngm gosta dele e no ultimo ele mostrou apoio ao emea. cade o odio sendo espalhado? a gente nn faz isso nn po, isso é coisa que vcs fazem, que o seu idolo keznit faz, que a sua comunidade faaz
Bro what? Death threats are still flying. Brazilians are still crying about being rightfully punished because of punishable behaviour. Before every event they come out of the woodwork to talk about how nobody has a chance against Loud, call every team that wins against them lucky despite never making it deep.
Case in point - other comments on the thread.