Made a list of some of the best games of all time, deffo forgot some would love to hear others thoughts
Mainly filled with NA games because I used to only watch NA so I dont really remember any insane games from other regions
Levi-XSET Copenhagen
OPTIC-DRX Iceland 2
Liquid-Xerxia- Iceland 2
Liquid-Kru- Iceland 2
Fnatic-Kru Champs
Gambit-Kru- Champs
Sen-Kru Champs
Sen-Liquid Champs
Fnatic C9 Champs
Acend-Gambit Champs
100t-Rise NA LCQ
100t-Acend Berlin
100t-Gambit Berlin
V1-Liquid Iceland 1
V1-Nuturn Iceland 1
Sen-Fnatic Finals Iceland 1
Fnatic-M3C Iceland 2 Quals
100t-Faze Copenhagen Quals(both games)
Optic-Guard Finals Iceland 2 Quals
100t-NV Iceland 1 Quals
NV-V1 Iceland 1 Quals