Am I wrong when I say that Cryo and Zekken had little to no LAN experience, yet they performed the best?
They also perform the best on xset regularly
Cryo played R6 professionally if am not wrong i think he has some LAN experience but not zekken but both of them performed W on their parts
He never played R6 professionally he was a ranked demon
they met their daddy Melsex, it was a good experience for them
BcJ and Dephh had plenty LAN experience and played the worst. It's not all about experience They just couldn't aim today. Unlucky really
Yeah, I was gonna say they keep saying the LAN experience is what hurt them the most but it doesn't seem that way.
they played NSG lan before
a mickey mouse one
yes but would you count a tier 2 lan compared to tier 1 pro stage lans? Dephh CSGO BCJ Apex Ayrin Crossfire
I mean both doesnt have audiences so
mickey mouse lan experience is still nothing compared to any Major event.
I could say I've got LAN experience by going to one of those but that doesnt equate to an actual big stage tournament like Masters.