-Russ(good aim, bad awareness)+ Zeek or L1nk
l1nk doesn't solve anything and they need a skye/sage player, if Zeek finds a way to be better at those agents then definitely but if not honestly Doma could be their best option. If they could also somehow find a way to poach a guy like Hoody, Cloud or Musashi or get a t2 guy like Kicks or Yurii that could be optimal
L1nk is the exact same kind of player as Russ is. Theres no point to mess up chemistry by bringing in a guy who is also a low fragger and would prefer to be on a different role anyway. L1nk could not be a worse pickup, and Sayf only plays Skye on bind. They need a guy to pick up at the very least 2 maps of Kay/o, 3 maps of Skye/Sage and a flex of something like breach or viper on other maps.