Guild fix

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-Russ(good aim, bad awareness)+ Zeek or L1nk


l1nk doesn't solve anything and they need a skye/sage player, if Zeek finds a way to be better at those agents then definitely but if not honestly Doma could be their best option. If they could also somehow find a way to poach a guy like Hoody, Cloud or Musashi or get a t2 guy like Kicks or Yurii that could be optimal


man if russ is more consistent guild would be a really good team

GooberBoy [#2]

l1nk doesn't solve anything and they need a skye/sage player, if Zeek finds a way to be better at those agents then definitely but if not honestly Doma could be their best option. If they could also somehow find a way to poach a guy like Hoody, Cloud or Musashi or get a t2 guy like Kicks or Yurii that could be optimal

l1nk is awesome at sage(won so many rounds in icebox for liquid). Sayf plays skye instead of russ anyways so they might not need a skye

sutta [#4]

l1nk is awesome at sage(won so many rounds in icebox for liquid). Sayf plays skye instead of russ anyways so they might not need a skye

L1nk is the exact same kind of player as Russ is. Theres no point to mess up chemistry by bringing in a guy who is also a low fragger and would prefer to be on a different role anyway. L1nk could not be a worse pickup, and Sayf only plays Skye on bind. They need a guy to pick up at the very least 2 maps of Kay/o, 3 maps of Skye/Sage and a flex of something like breach or viper on other maps.

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