The former roster of EXO Clan EXO Clan Inactive Crunchy Ethan Laker dizzyLife Kyran Crombie iyen Iyengaran Raju pl1xx Christopher Li Bob Bob Tran are reportedly in deep talks with Soniqs Soniqs Inactive , with the roster set to compete in North America should the deal happen, according to a report by Andrew "Ducky" Amos of Snowball Esports. have independently verified the report.
While the team have publicly signaled disbandment, with Bob " Bob " Tran even signaling retirement, the roster have remained together since parting ways with EXO Clan at the end of 2020.
EXO Clan's desire to move abroad has been no secret, with the team being publicly open to offers since late November, announced before closing out their dominant run in the finals of First Strike: Oceania. Before that, Chris " pl1xx " Li stated in August that he believed EXO could take on North America back during the Ignition Series.
Soniqs is an American organization currently housing rosters in Rainbow Six Siege and Rocket League, among other games. The organization notably previously housed Magno " Pr0phie " Ramos under its PUBG roster.
The largest hurdle for the roster will be acquiring visas to move to the new continent, given not only the global situation, but the ever-increasing difficulty of the visa process. Additionally, the roster has seen little in the way of scrims in the past month, due to the small size of the Oceanic scene.
Soniqs Soniqs Inactive 's roster will reportedly be: