The State of SA Valorant

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Why do we always fuck up in every APAC tourney? And now some kids will be like "oh show support, blah blah" and then the big figures will be like "At least they tried" OR "You go do it then" this is just pathetic. Why do people defend their players so much? They need to face the heat. We are losing to 3rd seed Vietnam teams, which is fucking embarrassing. Vietnam is a bottom 3 region in APAC, which means we are the worst region in APAC(probably the world). Every single time this happens and then they say crap like "We will come back stronger" which never happens. Man, this is going just like in CS:GO, back in the day Indian teams were good at CS in 2013-14. But then it kept declining till Valorant took over. Now we are again in the same situation.

And then people say bullshit like "PC gaming is not that developed in India", WTF?! What do you think if PC gaming becomes developed and players start getting 20k viewership on streams the scene will magically beat SEA or KR/JP? And the fact that the scene is behind shouldn't mean anything, our players have the same facilities that NA has, and the same 24 hours to use them.

There is no aim diff or strat diff or mentality diff, it is a plain and simple WORK ETHIC DIFF!!




Actually true but I don't know about the work ethic thing but I certainly feel Enigma lost due to mental. They should have closed things out. I agree it's getting old with them defending their players which I wouldn't blame they would do it anyway cause they're their players. There are some toxic dudes out there spreading hate maybe for them they might be telling. But I hate it when fans judge normal criticism as hating or being racist and stuff when practically it's not. I think they should realise that no matter how good you are you have no mental, then you can't win plain and simple.

I agree with you for the most part tbh bro


Happy for you/sorry that happened




just stop expecting, game is dieing sooner or later in india .. cannot survive if 3 vcts we are the worst region+ pretty sure we only get 1 slot (can be 0 also) next apac cause they need to inv Chinese teams also and if OCE performs well they too will get a extra slots .. so just count down days till vlt dies!!

Hope whatever i said comes out false

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