Flag: India
Registered: August 14, 2021
Last post: July 29, 2022 at 11:15 AM
Posts: 127
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Probably, let me give you another statistic, because of 8 maps being present there are over 10,000 possible outcomes of a map veto including toss

posted about 2 years ago

Do you actually believe that there was nowhere better where the Russians could have also gone?!

posted about 2 years ago

What the f**k were they smoking thinking that Copenhagen would be a good place to host their first ever crowded LAN?? The best CS: GO team literally came from that country!! They have CS lessons in schools! Should have done it in Tokyo or something, why Copenhagen?! Now the seats aren't even half full and it looks so bad.

posted about 2 years ago

Wasn't there supposed to be a crowd from the semi-finals?? Where is it??

posted about 2 years ago

If you think about it there was really no chance of SEN winning LCQ (they may have done well, but I don't think they coulda won). Now that they have shroud, their viewership goes up, thereby attracting more sponsors, and also it really boosts their chances for franchising. Ofc it is not good for the competitive aspect but did anyone really expect SEN to win? Smart Play by them honestly

posted about 2 years ago

What do they see when they are watching? Do they see the observer's POV? Or just their own team?

posted about 2 years ago

GE owner, Kohli in Lighningfast out, when lightningfast's exams are over he comes back and maybe kappa out? (idk)

posted about 2 years ago

I am an SA resident, and would humbly like to donate one slot to Oceania/CN

posted about 2 years ago

Is the GE management??

posted about 2 years ago

I could be completely off base here and please feel free to correct me, but I think that Lightningfast and SkRossi are holding their own against these SEA teams, SKills is also doing okay and we shouldn't really expect Hellranger to frag out because he is IGLing, but Kappa is so fucking bad it is actually enraging he had 2 kills on CT side Split, man lost every aim duel. They should remove Kappa and get a good player. But these guys like a friendship over team performance, and the same garbage excuse "We will come back stronger" and then the org will say "At least they tried" and then the prominent figures will say "You go do it then". The worst one I hate of them all is "They were just better" WTF?! motherfucker if they are just better then that is basically accepting that you work less than them, that is like someone going for Olympic swimming and then 5 min before the race going "Oh I can't swim". They have Tens of thousands of fans putting their faith in them and they have no problem disappointing them every single time. We are 2-9 in international tournaments it is a small wonder that our slots haven't been reduced yet!

posted about 2 years ago

Nope Antidote is the IGL

posted about 2 years ago

Bro by that logic, chess players shouldn't be supported, or anybody who is trying to do something for the country privately shouldn't be supported.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

They have given us nothing to be confident about lol

posted about 2 years ago

That doesn't make any sense, if your country's sports team goes internationally to play don't you support them??

posted about 2 years ago

wth?? everyone supports teams from their region

posted about 2 years ago

I don't care if GE is much worse than RRQ (which they are), I will support them because they are the only team left from my region. Thoughts?
PS: GE will most probably lose. But Xerxia was supposed to lose against Optic, so who knows?

posted about 2 years ago

Bro dont you get it? These are all excuses for not working more hours. All this is BS, the team than puts more hours into the game wins, simple as that

posted about 2 years ago

Sad but true

posted about 2 years ago

Why do we always fuck up in every APAC tourney? And now some kids will be like "oh show support, blah blah" and then the big figures will be like "At least they tried" OR "You go do it then" this is just pathetic. Why do people defend their players so much? They need to face the heat. We are losing to 3rd seed Vietnam teams, which is fucking embarrassing. Vietnam is a bottom 3 region in APAC, which means we are the worst region in APAC(probably the world). Every single time this happens and then they say crap like "We will come back stronger" which never happens. Man, this is going just like in CS:GO, back in the day Indian teams were good at CS in 2013-14. But then it kept declining till Valorant took over. Now we are again in the same situation.

And then people say bullshit like "PC gaming is not that developed in India", WTF?! What do you think if PC gaming becomes developed and players start getting 20k viewership on streams the scene will magically beat SEA or KR/JP? And the fact that the scene is behind shouldn't mean anything, our players have the same facilities that NA has, and the same 24 hours to use them.

There is no aim diff or strat diff or mentality diff, it is a plain and simple WORK ETHIC DIFF!!

posted about 2 years ago

I hope you are right

posted about 2 years ago

And who is at fault there? Bro this is a performance-based industry, tomorrow if optic fell off, they will face the same amount of trolling and criticism(maybe less because they stream less), And due to the fact that Shahz stream 7+ hrs a day, he becomes an easy target for all the trolling. Not that the people are wrong, IMO no one should be in competitive esports if they "enjoy" it, you should be in it if you want to be the best. It is extremely selfish of any pro player to just go for money, even if it means losing and disappointing their fan.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Lol me too went absolutely garbage

posted about 2 years ago

Sodium is a chemical element with the symbol Na (from Latin natrium) and atomic number 11. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal.
The melting (98 °C) and boiling (883 °C) points of sodium are lower than those of lithium but higher than those of the heavier alkali metals potassium, rubidium, and caesium, following periodic trends down the group.[5] These properties change dramatically at elevated pressures: at 1.5 Mbar, the color changes from silvery metallic to black; at 1.9 Mbar the material becomes transparent with a red color; and at 3 Mbar, sodium is a clear and transparent solid. All of these high-pressure allotropes are insulators and electrides

posted about 2 years ago

Cool I will remember you, what's ur name

posted about 2 years ago

I know it's not and I get annoyed at them too, it is a garbage mindset. They are letting down the thousands of fans who have their hopes set on them.

posted about 2 years ago

I get what you are saying bro, this is one of the things I hate about the Indian Valorant scene they always say "We Will Come Back Stronger!" But it never happens. I don't like it when players (not in India, mainly in NA) just go on stream and play ranked for 8-9 hrs straight after getting mollywhooped in matches. But I get it they want to make money which is more important to them. It is their choice they can either make a lot of money streaming a lot or they can practice a lot and win a lot. No in-between.

posted about 2 years ago

Leak your social security number (or parents if u r a minor). Deal? If they do make it I leak mine

posted about 2 years ago

What happened?? PLease tell.

posted about 2 years ago

not anytime soon

posted about 2 years ago

I think the lower you place, the easier your group gets, because they want to see smaller regions beat giants like EMEA

posted about 3 years ago

same, I think they just went in to have fun, and played on the fly strats

posted about 3 years ago

Were they saving strats for Iceland? Or did they have a bad day? Or did they choke?
Pls Discuss

posted about 3 years ago

it was 2 millisecond bruv.

posted about 3 years ago

At this point, a win for either team is only a win technically because we know both of them are equally good. GGs to Fnatic tho, I was rooting for them. GET THAT DUB IN ICELAND!!

posted about 3 years ago

in depression's arms, or maybe PTSD

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, you fucking come to India and South Asia and buy the millions of people who play PUBG Mobile a good PC, everyone in the western world thinks mobile games are cringe, they don't think that people here in India cannot afford a vehicle and stuff like plane tickets or even a meal at a restaurant which, to people who are well off, doesn't seem like a big deal. It is not that simple to just buy a PC, a good PC that can run games is a luxury that most of our parents gave us and we did not even earn by ourselves, so we shouldn't judge/ridicule someone who cannot afford them because in the end, for a middle-class family in India, necessities are more important than a PC.
And just so you fuckers who make fun of mobile games know the difference, the average salary of an Indian household is 20000 rupees per month, a good PC with peripherals here costs 150000 rupees at least, which is more than the annual income of an average household. So the discrepancy is very very high.
And even if you can somehow afford a good PC, it is unlikely that your whole friend group can, so many people just play on a phone to just play with their friends.

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, you fucking come to India and South Asia and buy the millions of people who play PUBG Mobile a good PC, everyone in the western world thinks mobile games are cringe, they don't think that people here in India cannot afford a vehicle and stuff like plane tickets or even a meal at a restaurant which, to people who are well off, doesn't seem like a big deal. It is not that simple to just buy a PC, a good PC that can run games is a luxury that most of our parents gave us and we did not even earn by ourselves, so we shouldn't judge/ridicule someone who cannot afford them because in the end, for a middle-class family in India, necessities are more important than a PC.
And just so you fuckers who make fun of mobile games know the difference, the average salary of an Indian household is 20000 rupees per month, a good PC with peripherals here costs 150000 rupees at least, which is more than the annual income of an average household. So the discrepancy is very very high.
And even if you can somehow afford a good PC, it is unlikely that your whole friend group can, so many people just play on a phone to just play with their friends.

posted about 3 years ago

I am not saying that they don't exist but they r a minority

posted about 3 years ago

not here in India

posted about 3 years ago

less than 1%, not even trolling

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, you fucking come to India and South Asia and buy the millions of people who play PUBG Mobile a good PC, everyone in the western world thinks mobile games are cringe, they don't think that people here in India cannot afford a vehicle and stuff like plane tickets or even a meal at a restaurant which, to people who are well off, doesn't seem like a big deal. It is not that simple to just buy a PC, a good PC that can run games is a luxury that most of our parents gave us and we did not even earn by ourselves, so we shouldn't judge/ridicule someone who cannot afford them because in the end, for a middle-class family in India, necessities are more important than a PC.
And just so you fuckers who make fun of mobile games know the difference, the average salary of an Indian household is 20000 rupees per month, a good PC with peripherals here costs 150000 rupees at least, which is more than the annual income of an average household. So the discrepancy is very very high.
And even if you can somehow afford a good PC, it is unlikely that your whole friend group can, so many people just play on a phone to just play with their friends.

posted about 3 years ago

I have a genuine question, is making fun of someone for playing mobile games, technically making fun of their financial condition?

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Not 'if' it should be 'when', "when Guard beat Sentinels"

posted about 3 years ago

People seriously overcomplicate things, the one who puts more hours in, does more scrims, studies the other teams more etc always wins, simple as that. Tenz plays on 60-70 ping and still shits on people (not that anyone is making ping excuse). GE just needs to work more, no fucking bullshit excuses from owners, managers, fans etc. about "experience" or "learning". JUST FUCKING PUT MORE HOURS IN.

posted about 3 years ago

People seriously overcomplicate things, the one who puts more hours in, does more scrims, studies the other teams more etc always wins, simple as that. Tenz plays on 60-70 ping and still shits on people (not that anyone is making ping excuse). GE just needs to work more, no fucking bullshit excuses from owners, managers, fans etc. about "experience" or "learning". JUST FUCKING PUT MORE HOURS IN.

posted about 3 years ago

Hopefully VLT does better than GE.

posted about 3 years ago
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