i did an anonymous AMA on snapchat and she asked*, "which player knows you the best?" this basically confirmed my suspicions of her playing me
for those who do not know, basically what happened is she knew i liked her, but told me she doesnt like me back a little while ago. later she found out that i gave her cousin(which im friends with) a 75$ giftcard for his birthday; she then dm'ed me saying "Oh you give him something for his birthday but not me ok ok" in a joking manor but you could tell she wanted something. we talked for the next few days (obv i was a little skeptical because she just told me she doesnt like me and somewhat stoppped talking to me) we made an agreement that i'd give her cash for her birthday, so i asked how much? she started with a really big number as a joke then we settled on 100$.
once i gave her the $100, she dmed me later that night and said "thanks broskie" and said shes bored and a bunch of other random stuff
she barely talked to me the following day, but when she did she acted "nice" or "flirty" but slowly stopped talking at all basically
shes left me on opened from last night to right now and i dont expect her to dm me until tuesday or wednesday because she thinks im gonna give her another $60 because she had to pay someone
im sad i guess but i also dont really care because i saw right threw it from the start
*I know its anonymous but i knew she sent the question because she was the only one who viewed my story so she was the only one who could have sent it