I noticed that the guard was doing very good in stage 1, but they had a bad performance on lan and so far throughout stage 2. Does anyone know what happened? are they under too much pressure?
I mean they were top of NA after Stage 1 going into masters and then got double first rounded at lan. Then they came back and got blown out in week 1. They're all young players who are knew to the scene. It's really not that surprising their mental is down the drain now. If you watch them play you can just see they don't play with the same confidence and swagger they used to.
There’s a couple of problems that are going on. First of all they are no longer considered an underdog team, they are considered a top NA team. The amount of pressure to perform as a top NA team is so much more immense for these young players. Secondly, their constant losses have caused them to lose confidence. As an underdog team that is on a win streak, you build up immense confidence in game that help you do a lot better. After iceland it seems that they have lost a lot of that confidence that they used to have and as young players that lack experience, confidence is everything to them. Third, they are trying to adapt to the chamber meta and it has been a slow process for the whole team. The meta has caused many role changes that may not be the best for the team and they have to adapt to that which can take some time for a young team.
Because they were exposed as onliners and have to prove themselves on LAN, that is in itself a huge mental hurdle to overcome against top tier competition.
iunno when I heard Trent played qualifiers/ stage 1 challengers with music being used by him as some cop out for why he didn't perform on lan (because music not allowed) I smelled fish.