Why is nobody talking about how awful it has been? Also what is this shit stage? Which one do you is better? 2021 type of stage or this masters stage?
Yea they should've used something like the berlin stage for playoffs but ion understand why everyone hates this stage, its not great but its decent. I like what they did with the timeouts and the screens behind the players with their face. Nothing can ever beat the Champions map select holograms tho
idc the work they put in, its not good enough, wdym I show them how easy it is? its literally their job and they are doing it badly, it looks like csgo 2014, your argument is a fallacy, why would I respect their work when it is so shit? Its nowhere near what a reasonable should be lol, I dont expect the production to be Blast csgo level but at least that they are not shitting themselves with the most basic things lmao, how does the fact it is free afect the fact that a multimillion dollar company having this level of production is not acceptable?
The entertainment is free, nowhere in buying skins do you agree to get a personalised satisfactory esports production. You just buy the damn skin to play with.
Ofcourse they have enough money, but throwing twice as much money to the event won't fix the issues they were facing. Tech problems don't magically get fixed by capital, and half the gear on these events that malfunction are the players property that they brought with them.
You thinking the stage is "awful" is really just an opinion, I prefer this one over last year ones purely just because it's different. HUD broke? Tough luck, a bug surfaced from fresh coding that was made to improve the previous HUD system, and you know they started working on it right away and they are trying to get it better for the next event. Stop comparing it to well established systems while these guys are literally only trying to improve based on community feedback. Csgo events didn't even have a HUD in its early days.
You probably haven't watched CSGO blast events , man that production blows all valorant production of out the water , lets assume you dont have a crowd , your focus should be on player cams and audio , but the valorant LAN client is soooo buggy they'll have facecams for 5 rounds then turn off ..... Then on again , its sooo inconsistent , like man take another week of prep work but do it properly or like outsource it to some company which specialises in it , riot doesn't have to do everything by themselves