New patch rewards agressive playstyle, no their methodical
DRX gives most of their eco rounds for free, not even buys sherifs (even since champions)
Bad at attack. RB barely can find entry with rifle/sherif as jett he is only cracked with OP.
rb is actually very cracked w the rifle. Ive seen his streams and he has had his moments on the world stage. He was moved to duelist because although buzz has great aim he tends to over extend at times. As rb spent time on a support role he developed a passive tendency and thats probably what your seeing rn. But he will turn it up I think.
i saw it too, but as i wrote earlier "New patch rewards agressive playstyle, no their methodical" and in the future i can see WGS being top KR team. MB even in this event they can do lower bracket run
Champions teams can diff upcoming best teams now only because of strong mentality and experience, that all(for example same was when XERXIA played vs ONIC G or C9 against Knights in playoffs. Only experience diff, nothing else).
their post plants are still very good.
they keep losing map control in the mid-round and don't clear their path to the site cleanly leading to early deaths. I can't remember how many times they lost players early in mid and B main on Ascent.
Their executes don't look as clean as they usually do either.
it is. I can see how top teams will play with Stim Beacon pistol rounds with 5 frenzy and 2 Stim Beacons. I can see eco rounds around Stim Beacon, half buys around it. All new agents since Kayo give you the opportunity to play more and more agressive and proactive.
about methodical its my bad cant find the word what i trying to say. So lets say passive instead of methodical
Now that we can agree on, unexpected aggression on half buys or eco rounds is definitely something that we will see more often.
Passiveness is something we will see still, but what is gonna change is the way teams time and plan their aggression with agents you have stated. This is all of course my opinion only.