This guy has a long history of him and his girlfriend treating women differently online. Why do you guys downvote every post talking about this? It’s like you guys just don’t want to cope with the fact that the dude is a sleaze ball.
This whole thing became big earlier today when a clip came out of him dodging a game while duoing with SicK immediately after a female comms something, from his stream you could see that he made his facecam fullscreen and reached over to the alt+f4 buttons. (His excuse for this is saying his pc crashed and not that he dodged/alt+f4'd)
Shahz called him out later that day for dodging a game that his gf was in too
Then several other women came forward and said he dodges games all the time when he hears a women is in them
Also people found out that earlier during the CS days he and his wife banned all people with a female like name from his chat and jason even said once that "All these twitch women are hoes" or something along those lines
Basically the whole drama is him never wanting to play a game with any women and always dodging when it comes down to it
Some ppl saying its because his gf is extremely insecure and controllive
this is the summary from what i understood of everything
Everyone seems to be missing the point and it’s actually mind boggling.
You really think it’s the mans choice? You think men are like “I have a gf now so I don’t want to hear none of you hoes!” Think about it man…
When things like this happen, it’s because the WOMAN behind the man is making him do these things.
This is literally an example of an insecure woman forcing her man to mute and not play with other woman.
But this doesn’t fly with most peoples common day beliefs that “man bad! Woman good!”