what should a sage one trick play on breeze (the one map she is actually shit on)
skye you can still heal people
i suggest playing viper and learning her wall
reyna, since she is like sage except u have a reason u only self heal
no pls, he gonna play reyna the way he plays sage
Vietnamese was flashbacks
im not stupid im just bronze
chamber or cypher. i have the same problem you do and i think chyper is really good on breeze and not too hard to learn
Viper learn lineups and ur good to go.
I also play a lot of sage and I pick skye ok breeze but viper or another sentinel would probably fit your playstile best
Sage is good on breeze wdym
imagine a sage main saying sage is bad on breeze
I think she's fine on breeze, but I like playing chamber pretty much on every map, since you can just place the alarm bots anywhere and then do whatever
shit map can play anything