Vividogre [#3]I just want Sentinels vs Gambit to happen so I can see how GMB will crush them 13-6 13-5 type beat.
I’d expect at least a 26-1 from gambit
Vividogre [#3]I just want Sentinels vs Gambit to happen so I can see how GMB will crush them 13-6 13-5 type beat.
COPIUM , wait until that matchup happens u will regret it
Gqviria [#7]That kind of banter is the one that give Sentinels more people to watch them, just like in Master Berlin, they made a rivalry out of banter even tho they have never played before, Sen CM and Carlos are just fucking masterminds.
only a few ppl saw the light in SEN ( everyone else hated on them during g2 sen banter thing) , u saw the light
ShadowisBAD [#6]COPIUM , wait until that matchup happens u will regret it
ya bro its obv gonna be 26-0 gmb
that guys on copium if he thinks sen has a chance
Dr_DoofenshmirtZ [#12]ya bro its obv gonna be 26-0 gmb
that guys on copium if he thinks sen has a chance
U can shit talk all u want and have a hater boner for sen all u want
let the gameplay do the talking when they matchup innit ;))
ShadowisBAD [#8]only a few ppl saw the light in SEN ( everyone else hated on them during g2 sen banter thing) , u saw the light
delusional_sentinels_fan1 [#11]Sen smm genius of marketing. Any attention = good attention in this industry
Agree, marketing at its best.
At least this is mutualism symbiotic. G2 reap some benefits to with this kind of banter, but not as much as SEN.
ValdemieGC [#10]Good one Carlos, I like it
Your team still need an IGL and you seem to care way to much about randos' opinions on
I think the official account of Sentinels on twitter, is not a random opinion on vlr. And that type of comments it’s what creates fanbase and money to sign the IGL you want
Mortadelo [#19]I think the official account of Sentinels on twitter, is not a random opinion on vlr. And that type of comments it’s what creates fanbase and money to sign the IGL you want
I get your confusion but what I said it's not because of this tweets.
It's just that I'm pretty sure he lurks this site (and other ones) under another nickname from time to time
Also I'm ok with him baiting on twitter or wherever, I think it's fun
ShadowisBAD [#13]U can shit talk all u want and have a hater boner for sen all u want
let the gameplay do the talking when they matchup innit ;))
SEN fans have hit all new levels of delusion if they think the team that peaked at iceland is beating gambit 💀💀💀
ValdemieGC [#20]I get your confusion but what I said it's not because of this tweets.
It's just that I'm pretty sure he lurks this site (and other ones) under another nickname from time to timeAlso I'm ok with him baiting on twitter or wherever, I think it's fun
Oh okay, but where does that theory come from?
Mortadelo [#22]Oh okay, but where does that theory come from?
There are some usernames on this site that seem to care way too much about what some other usernames think about G2 management or roster operations and get pretty defensive over it. This doesn't mean that he himself is lurking and answering threads under another nickname of course. But knowing he himself often lurks on r/valorantcompetitive and such, I just piece things togeteher
ValdemieGC [#23]There are some usernames on this site that seem to care way too much about what some other usernames think about G2 management or roster operations and get pretty defensive over it. This doesn't mean that he himself is lurking and answering threads under another nickname of course. But knowing he himself often lurks on r/valorantcompetitive and such, I just piece things togeteher
Am I a G2 employee? xDD
ValdemieGC [#28]Not you! hahaha
I mean I guess it could be, be it’s hard to know who really cares and who is just a fanboy
WiseGorbachev [#21]SEN fans have hit all new levels of delusion if they think the team that peaked at iceland is beating gambit 💀💀💀
It can definetely happen lmao, they lost against 100L
delusional_sentinels_fan1 [#11]Sen smm genius of marketing. Any attention = good attention in this industry
Laughing stock of orgs = good attention
LouBag [#24]A weird excuse for losing against Sen.
You would think being a huge org would give you enough money to beat an org that fields two teams.
g2 went 1-1 against sen
xDillan [#31]Laughing stock of orgs = good attention
Yes, just look at the interactions on that tweet from different fanbases compared to their usual tweets. The more you're talked about the better.
jawn [#30]It can definetely happen lmao, they lost against 100L
that was a fluke lmao 100t is not even top 5 na atm
Arisqq [#34]that was a fluke lmao 100t is not even top 5 na atm
well yeah obviously, but SEN do have a real chance of beating GMB
Mortadelo [#29]xD
I mean I guess it could be, be it’s hard to know who really cares and who is just a fanboy
I mean from what i see is only you that usually in this site as G2 fans tho
Lenei [#36]I mean from what i see is only you that usually in this site as G2 fans tho
I mean there is a couple others, I like NeverWrong, but yeah
Wouldn’t it be cool if I’m Ocelote xD