For me probably
- d3ffo
- cNed
- Pati
- TenZ BatChest
- leaf
feelsbadboaster [#3]are opinions scary to vlr users???
If you think d3ffo>cNed and Pati>TenZ and leaf then you are high.
thiagomds [#5]1- derke
2- heat
Got downvoted for saying Heat is 2nd or not putting Tenz in there.
I agree with you on both tho.
unknown_trash [#10]cNed
Honourable mentions: tenz, deffo, nagz
In my opinion this is how the list should be
Good list
unknown_trash [#10]cNed
Honourable mentions: tenz, deffo, nagz
In my opinion this is how the list should be
nagz was weighing a lot for kru tho, lowest jett stats of the tourney i think
drapion [#14]nagz was weighing a lot for kru tho, lowest jett stats of the tourney i think
He played well in the quarter finals and semis in my opinion. Keznit still played better though.
ALEISTER [#15]cNed
deepmans should be in upcomers too
Bo0mShell [#8]Got downvoted for saying Heat is 2nd or not putting Tenz in there.
I agree with you on both tho.
I only put jett players with more impact in their games
tennisfan [#4]If you think d3ffo>cNed and Pati>TenZ and leaf then you are high.
pati is better than tenz
unknown_trash [#16]He played well in the quarter finals and semis in my opinion. Keznit still played better though.
i remember him playing a breeze really well late tournament. but if the post is about best jetts on champs, i just dont think he is in the conversation, not saying hes bad, just that he played bad in champs.
maximumszn [#20]For me it goes
- cNed
- Derke
- yay
- TenZ
- Heat
3-5 are interchangeable
probably deffo, leaf or dubstep instead of tenz. Tenz is one of the best, but he didnt bring his best game to champs tho
drapion [#24]probably deffo, leaf or dubstep instead of tenz. Tenz is one of the best, but he didnt bring his best game to champs tho
While I don't buy so much into the TenZ hype that others do, he is still one of the best JETTs in the world. He had one poor tournament, but if you look at his career, his problem has always been his inability to move away from jett and reyna.
Just watch his Breeze game against F4Q and the Haven game against NV from Berlin
unknown_trash [#10]cNed
Honourable mentions: tenz, deffo, nagz
In my opinion this is how the list should be
i respect it 🤝
only thing, that i can complain about is yay not being named
ALEISTER [#15]cNed
Best list so far as I scroll down. Id say Deffo is better than tenz just because his Split is so much better and that seems to be an important map for Sen or I guess used to be.
gareth [#25]While I don't buy so much into the TenZ hype that others do, he is still one of the best JETTs in the world. He had one poor tournament, but if you look at his career, his problem has always been his inability to move away from jett and reyna.
Just watch his Breeze game against F4Q and the Haven game against NV from Berlin
The title says "as of champs" tho.
drapion [#24]probably deffo, leaf or dubstep instead of tenz. Tenz is one of the best, but he didnt bring his best game to champs tho
I agree but i listed them because I still believe that TenZ will perform well in future tourneys and in berlin and champs he was still good just inconsistent. Though i agree that he doesnt really deserve a spot on this list as of late but I added him based of merit and accolades (his fantastic reykyavik performance)
maximumszn [#33]I agree but i listed them because I still believe that TenZ will perform well in future tourneys and in berlin and champs he was still good just inconsistent. Though i agree that he doesnt really deserve a spot on this list as of late but I added him based of merit and accolades (his fantastic reykyavik performance)
gareth [#25]While I don't buy so much into the TenZ hype that others do, he is still one of the best JETTs in the world. He had one poor tournament, but if you look at his career, his problem has always been his inability to move away from jett and reyna.
Just watch his Breeze game against F4Q and the Haven game against NV from Berlin
but it was f4q bro
gareth [#25]While I don't buy so much into the TenZ hype that others do, he is still one of the best JETTs in the world. He had one poor tournament, but if you look at his career, his problem has always been his inability to move away from jett and reyna.
Just watch his Breeze game against F4Q and the Haven game against NV from Berlin
"Top 5 Jett players as of champs?"
Bo0mShell [#8]Got downvoted for saying Heat is 2nd or not putting Tenz in there.
I agree with you on both tho.
Downvoted cuz cNed not there
tennisfan [#4]If you think d3ffo>cNed and Pati>TenZ and leaf then you are high.
People have different opinions
Giannero [#49]Downvoted cuz cNed not there
just look all the games and the stats, he didn't have the same impact as he used to be.
kapteN [#56]
- yay (this guy is by far the best jett imo, he's fucking insane, doesnt matter if his team isnt up to his level)
- cNed
- Derke
- heat
- d3ffo
i think ur confusing aim with jett players
wohe [#59]i think ur confusing aim with jett players
Yay uses his util crazy well, makes loads of space and yeah he has insane aim.
All you need in a jett. Especially the making of space is important, and yay is better at it than anyone else in that list
kapteN [#60]Yay uses his util crazy well, makes loads of space and yeah he has insane aim.
All you need in a jett. Especially the making of space is important, and yay is better at it than anyone else in that list
yes but can u call a jett that doesn't op that much the best jett in the world, i don't think so
don't get me wrong he's 2 on my list just not first
unknown_trash [#10]cNed
Honourable mentions: tenz, deffo, nagz
In my opinion this is how the list should be
forgetting BuZz
wohe [#63]yes but can u call a jett that doesn't op that much the best jett in the world, i don't think so
don't get me wrong he's 2 on my list just not first
doesnt op that much???
thiagomds [#58]just look all the games and the stats, he didn't have the same impact as he used to be.
He is the most consistent jett player lol.
SpaceX2120 [#64]forgetting BuZz
i dont think he was a top jett this tournament unfortunately. i havent looked at stats and he didnt play many matches but i still felt like he could have performed better.
TkM [#28]i respect it 🤝
only thing, that i can complain about is yay not being named
i just think envy had a bad tournament but i think that yay had the potential to carry them, but pati looked like a better jett than yay this time