Imo they need to give him 2 unlimited smokes instead of just one which refresh faster.
His blind should not affect teammates
Faster TP
His ult should blind all nearby enemies once he confirms his ult.
Make everything he does alot faster, ulti would also have panorama along with mini map turning out black plus the enemys cant hear any footsteps during and till 5 seconds after omen has teleported.
omen's ult would be insanely busted with a paranoia across the whole map. At least with his normal ability you can avoid it by moving out of the radius, an omen ult would just ask for baiting a team onto open space and then ult for the site players to completely fuck them.
If it's like Spike Rush paranoia, it honestly wouldn't be that broken. The only real usefulness that comes out of it is the loss of sound for information, but that's strong enough to make his ult somewhat useful, but not broken.
omen is bad because astra is better. she has much better abilities (4 of them) that fit that controller position while omen has 2. his shrouded step is selfish and useless and you can only use his ult for info and grabbing the spike in anything above bronze.
They should rework his ult to cause paranoia (like in spike rush). It'd be a great util to deny enemies information and allow Omen to tp in (or cancel tp) for information.