Do you have small, medium or large hands?
breqkerrrr [#4]You claw grip?
fingertip/claw for everything other than playing fps games where I palm grip. I feel like I don't have enough control with fingertip/claw in fps games (I claw in other games tho)
Sem1- [#6]fingertip/claw for everything other than playing fps games where I palm grip. I feel like I don't have enough control with fingertip/claw in fps games (I claw in other games tho)
Basedobserver [#9]Large hands , but i don't use these trash logigay mice anymore fucking 150 $ for double clicking mouse OMEGALUL
superlight doubleclicking since when?
SpaceCow [#10]some say people with bigger hands have bigger dicks. I use razer deathadder btw.
Must be a wrong saying then