tell me :3
gtngodyorukingdestruction [#22]University student and Pope of the GOD GTN religion
how can gtn handle so much power?
Daniveus [#24]how can gtn handle so much power?
Do you want to understand the power of a God? He is simply GTN
EU_quiet [#9]Currently a senior in high school... have aspirations to become a neurosurgeon
bro searched up highest paying jobs
OkOkay [#34]bro searched up highest paying jobs
LMAOOO frrr theres no way u actually want to be a neurosurgeon
plas [#38]LMAOOO frrr theres no way u actually want to be a neurosurgeon
I do tho.. it looks mad sus but I took 14 aps... volunteered at hospitals and way I'm gonna get clowned on by 2 random on a valorant forum lol!
EU_quiet [#41]I do tho.. it looks mad sus but I took 14 aps... volunteered at hospitals and way I'm gonna get clowned on by 2 random on a valorant forum lol!
good for you then
i_come_from_hltv [#37]i work as a student so my parents don't kick me out of my house
If you're under 18 I'm pretty sure that's illegal
Sem1- [#40]chad hltv user 32k/month
virgin vlr user -1k/month
Lmao I get upvotes and you get downvote, two faced
EU_quiet [#41]I do tho.. it looks mad sus but I took 14 aps... volunteered at hospitals and way I'm gonna get clowned on by 2 random on a valorant forum lol!
Don't play valorant and get triggered before you go to work 😥
Astralis_6_majors [#47]Lmao I get upvotes and you get downvote, two faced
too many butthurt vlr users and not many superior hltv users here
kapteN [#53]I worked for a big consultancy firm in London until August, now I'm doing an MBA, and have accepted an offer to start a senior manager role at Amazon Amsterdam in september 2022
Im gonna make a guess... you were working with KPMG London.. ?
BAKA2535 [#56]Im gonna make a guess... you were working with KPMG London.. ?
No. But correct line of thinking.
Sem1- [#52]too many butthurt vlr users and not many superior hltv users here
they did upvote me)) maybe cuz im just too good you know 😎