Flag: Scotland
Registered: October 24, 2021
Last post: February 2, 2024 at 7:04 PM
Posts: 359
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posted about a year ago

Actually, I remember one time we were playing against CWE, Ascent, and it was 11-1 to CWE, we were playing as CT, CWE as T, and Baddy said:
'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now'. 11-1"

Did we comeback?

Of course not. 13-1

posted about a year ago

ACE h6tedthemost for me

posted about a year ago

IDK how people don't understand it, changing roles isn't about making the IGL individually more comfortable, but rather allowing the IGL to make better calls more consistently, which is much more important than any individual player. No slight extra comfort on an agent/role would make up for running into the site with 3+ people rather than the site with 2 or less, because no matter if you win the rounds where you go to the worse site, the call can still be bad and if there is a way to significantly improve the consistency of calling through changes in the team rather than direct practice and vod review then it should be done.

posted about a year ago

my goats but sadge for samsi :( she will win lcq np

posted about a year ago

Can't forget about floating heads timing 400% and close fast strafes invincible!!

posted about a year ago

800 .3 best sorry

posted about 2 years ago

literally not even true, they did different defaults lol

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

do we know it's tacolilla playing instead of keznit? i thought it was a secret

posted about 2 years ago

rb on neon, scream on phoenix

posted about 2 years ago

he is absolutely the best neon in the world, he has optimised the agent really well - almost all other tier1 neons were only around 30% of rb's level from my eyetest

posted about 2 years ago

the difference in lower vs higher dpis is very minimal, but it's even less on lower resolutions which is what most are using in cs

in general though it does mean nothing u should just go for what you are used to on the desktop

posted about 2 years ago

who is silk road igl? that haven attack was super good and played around their comp surprisingly well

posted about 2 years ago

ez for my goat florescent

posted about 2 years ago

i don't think they're a complete favourite, that has to be navi, but they are for sure SUPER underrated and probably around top 4 for what we know/can assume right now

posted about 2 years ago

sacy stax suygetsu mako aspas

posted about 2 years ago

there isn't a massive sample size but i felt 100t were super good outside of the games vs fnc

posted about 2 years ago

even though chamber himself was super op, the game does make a lot more sense having the main op being a different player than the main entry, and it allowed you to play whatever duelist u wanted whereas now yeah it'#s gonna be majority jett which is kinda boring since you arent even taking her to do her role as an entry fragging duelist but just because of her being able to use op on def :/

posted about 2 years ago

actually yeah i feel like you're right on 2 initiator fracture, i'm just not sure about no breach though, feel like it's a lot better with kayo than the super nerfed fade (and we don't talk about skye/sova ofc lol)

jett i still dunno about though, the thing is that it's not like other duelists were showing up just because the awp role wasn't needed with chamber, but both raze and neon are both super strong to make map control at the start of the round on attack, and hold down important areas on defense (neon+breach in A main for example sheesh) - thing is also however that if you would take neon for example with cypher, you would kinda be anchoring both sites, whereas with chamber u were basically always retake somewhere/taking early info with awp, allowing for easier flanks and retakes. all in all we have to just say that this map is so fucking hard without chamber, every team relied so much on him controlling multiple lanes while being able to get out that every team has to pretty much rethink how to play this map

posted about 2 years ago

I mean mostly you're not wrong but it's kinda crazy to assume kayo will be picked on every map, quotating for the ability to break the ult with nade as a big reason why when it's a pretty situational interaction. Also, prior to chamber, jett really wasn't played across every map, and that was with the old stronger jett.
I agree with Ascent and Pearl for sure, those maps will have the same meta. But for example on Haven everyone will be taking jett yes, but then also definitely still breach, the extra killjoy ults are unlucky for sure now, but his natural strengths on the map are already super strong and synergy on executes with jett is way too good to just not take.
Icebox too is a little tricky, but before everyone pretty much played Jett, Sova, Viper, Sage then Killjoy or KAYO, the exact same 2 comps people play now but with jett over chamber, so it feels pretty obvious what will be played there.
Then Split and Fracture should just be maps played without an operator most of the time as they were before, maybe some people will try double duelist but solo jett shouldn't be played here at tier 1 level.

Overall, yeah, killjoy will probably be almost everywhere but I wouldn't say the same for KAYO or jett realistically. Most maps will probably have a pretty defined meta, but it won't be the same across all the maps which is pretty much what was happening before so I don't see it as much of a problem. A lot can depend on the new map though, if it is gonna be similarly 'standard' to Ascent and Pearl, maybe it will be a big problem, but if it's a map where neon is gonna be completely meta or something then the game should be okay imo. Another thing to consider is that since chamber is gone, you will need less initiator utility to clear off operators, as jett's new dash is still nothing compared to that insane tp, so it's probably not crazy to assume split and fracture can be played with only breach as the initiator as was common before, since you don't really need as much info now.

I think my thoughts were a bit all over the place and out of order but the post was interesting and I wanted to give my take too :3

posted about 2 years ago

kayo easily the best, but apart from that everyone is pretty balanced

posted about 2 years ago

brb off to cry

posted about 2 years ago

who the fuck are u

posted about 2 years ago

it's really amazing, i cant wait to see this team in franchising

posted about 2 years ago

king has to be the most underrated player in the world rn i swear

posted about 2 years ago

nah vlr is based and gives you a scotland flag, i don't think any real scot would put their flag as uk :p

posted about 2 years ago

woaw what a team of goats :3

posted about 2 years ago

leviatan are actually the most underrated team in all the leagues rn, idk why no one rates them properly

posted about 2 years ago

seyna igl so based

posted about 2 years ago

kinda goated team actually

posted about 2 years ago

duelist flor
sova/fade bob
chamber keenc
smokes powerpixele
flex sarah

(if u all u care about is firepower xd)

posted about 2 years ago

u should be arrested this is really rude behaviour...

posted about 2 years ago

i wish i was from chile it's so cold for me

posted about 2 years ago

yay shao jiing nats buzz

posted about 2 years ago

i just don't understand how it somehow gets more and more shocking every time

posted about 2 years ago
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