most overrated team at champions... they are going 0-2 in the group stage (0-4 on maps)
they are like the 4th best SEA team but people think they are some kinda contender??
u guys simp asian teams too much
full sense players individually play much better, they know the plays they need to make and use their utility very well. Fnatic players run around like headless chickens when boaster isn't telling them every single thing to do. And lan experience is a dumbass argument because fnatic didn't have lan experience before iceland and they got 2nd.
everyone's saying that Fnatic are 'looking shaky / bad since iceland' which I can agree with to some extent.
but for example in the redbull tourney, do you really think they're going to use strats, comps and gameplay which they have saved from iceland, berlin and what would have been used at LCQ?
i doubt they will win but don't underestimate them, FS will lose in the groupstage.