This agent is terrible, there are only two players, Jawgemo, and Primmie, who have done good with this agent and it was against Furia and Team Secret. Please teams stop using this agent.
i think solo said it best
u cant replace jett
This happens for like 80% of new agent releases and people still complain about "power creep."
F0rsaken did it against DRX
nah it wasn't because of the agent it's just bc it's forsaken. He was even 8/18 in fk/fd
In icebox they used it decent. it is good as first time. we can see good stuff with time
nah the agent is ass; you ain't running 12 aggro set plays on defense. And it's the only thing she's good at sooo.....
F0rsaken only had one map where he did well with waylay, the other map wasn't that good.
I don't blame f0rsaken for it. I blame alex
Minibum did decent on waylay