they should have 2 spots for aussie teams the bottom teams suck so bad its not even funny and they import the most aussie players
theres not enough aussie teams to even make china tier 2 a sustainable system
AND STOP SAYING THAT MAKING THE TALENT POOL TIGHTER WILL MAKE THE TEAMS BETTER THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS LMAOOOO, theres already a bunch of fps talents competing in cs2 and cf we dont need to make the competition tighter for the region to receive better talents
it is how it works look at the KR teams only the best of the best can get a spot on a team and if you arent you are insta dropped no room for error only goats but since you probably know vct cn better then i do i will take your word for it
side note:a sustainable T2 system doesnt exist and wont exist until esports gets as big as real sports if not bigger with its needed costs
IF korea had its own tier 2 system, and its sustainable in a level. it would be more competitive because korea as a region clears the other asian regions. Same for china the talent pool in the region clears OCE.
Clarification: ik a sustainable tier 2 system does not exist, i meant by chinas tier 2 system is LESS sustainable than all the other regions