its crazy how he just can't play omen. Just put him on astra. IK its only 3 maps on omen, but its not it
And why the viper, when icebox is and will always be a jett map?
he might be but i wonder what the reason would be. demon1 had ridiculous insane confidence coming out of "nowhere" in his EG run. legit had never touched a t1 lan before and was dominating all year, shit talking everyone no fucks given etc.
Maybe its a combination of the personal life struggles + the pressure to live up to his own hype and previous expectations? tbh tho i think its less so him specifically and more than its incredibly hard to be consistently top tier through all metas and only really derke and aspas have been able to, and their teams typically really catered to what their playstyle is. Also in EG he played better than his individual raw skill because his team all made individual sacrifices to their stats or personal performance to enable him, the same way 2022 Optic did for Yay