havoc é o melhor duelista do americas nao fala dele ele e o rei da xerife, pega kill ate de faca . ultimo duelista que vi pegar kill de faca alem do havoc foi so o aspas, entao os dois sao do mesmo nivel
if ur talking about the drone in the open, I think he's used to Sova where you can slightly move before it deploys but he isn't used to the drone deployment timing on Tejo yet
i was talking about when he dropped ropes while stunned to take a duel for some reason
#2 was about the play you mentioned
but thats fair he prob just nervous getting used to the team etc he played well
gotcha, that ropes play was definitely questionable and not to make excuses for him but I feel like he goes for 50/50 plays quite a bit but we don't notice it bc it usually works in his favor