are LOUD fans. these guys crashout on a daily basid more than I do whenever they lose a game
Aayan [#2]tbf if my team lost in the fashion that theirs just did i would be a bit annoyed too
not ONE post have I seen ANYONE DEFENDING LOUD
they're united at hating, telling them to kick the coach and not even suggesting a replacement lmao
I bet these guys are mad that MIBR hired Verno instead of a random cracked BR prodigy rotting in tier 2
NotSanity [#3]It's what happens when your fanbase is as big as LOUD's tbh.
is this what their country is known for now??? was it this reactionary when Brazil lost vs Croatia in the world cup
delighted [#5]is this what their country is known for now??? was it this reactionary when Brazil lost vs Croatia in the world cup
I've always noticed Brazilians acting this way when their team lose, in anything for that matter, they're pretty much loose cannons when a team they support lose.
NotSanity [#6]I've always noticed Brazilians acting this way when their team lose, in anything for that matter, they're pretty much loose cannons when a team they support lose.
and I thought the self hate from peenoise fans when TS lost vs RRQ was bad
delighted [#7]lmao
and I thought the self hate from peenoise fans when TS lost vs RRQ was bad
I fuck with the passion, but fuck are they annoying.
NotSanity [#8]I fuck with the passion, but fuck are they annoying.
there is a fine line between passion and hatred
LOUD fans cross this line a shit ton of times when their team loses
delighted [#5]is this what their country is known for now??? was it this reactionary when Brazil lost vs Croatia in the world cup
brother you have no idea that was the biggest shitshow i have ever seen
foythvlr [#10]brother you have no idea that was the biggest shitshow i have ever seen
ngl that was indeed a big shitshow
but I didn't see how BR social media reacted
delighted [#9]there is a fine line between passion and hatred
LOUD fans cross this line a shit ton of times when their team loses
I see, I don't really keep up with them at all, I just know before they'd be extremely passionate, I guess it's turned to hatred now based on this, hopefully they realise they're acting like buffoons.
its just justified hate tbh. LOUD has been losing matches like these for years now, with these same players. They always say that they will change but then it happens again. It is very frustrating. They ended Kickoff losing to KRU and they started Stage 1 losing to KRU, nothing changed.
And its not like the LOUD players are new rookies trying to prove themselves, they are experienced millionaires who shouldnt be losing silly rounds at this point.
(LOUD could already have 2 Champions trophies + Lock//IN if tuyz and cauanzin weren't addicted to throwing)
delighted [#11]ngl that was indeed a big shitshow
but I didn't see how BR social media reacted
i think to this day people still hate fred (the midfielder) because he randomly went to attack before croatia's goal and periodically this is brought up again and again
glittering_yard [#13]its just justified hate tbh. LOUD has been losing matches like these for years now, with these same players. They always say that they will change but then it happens again. It is very frustrating. They ended Kickoff losing to KRU and they started Stage 1 losing to KRU, nothing changed.
And its not like the LOUD players are new rookies trying to prove themselves, they are experienced millionaires who shouldnt be losing silly rounds at this point.
(LOUD could already have 2 Champions trophies + Lock//IN if tuyz and cauanzin weren't addicted to throwing)
I don’t think this is a new team compared to the 2022 but yeah losing 2nd time on same split would be kinda frustrating for Br fans
NotSanity [#3]It's what happens when your fanbase is as big as LOUD's tbh.
You could say their fans are very loud : )
delighted [#4]not ONE post have I seen ANYONE DEFENDING LOUD
they're united at hating, telling them to kick the coach and not even suggesting a replacement lmao
I bet these guys are mad that MIBR hired Verno instead of a random cracked BR prodigy rotting in tier 2
Why would they be? Signing a Brazilian tier 2 player is unfeasible due to visa issues
delighted [#4]not ONE post have I seen ANYONE DEFENDING LOUD
they're united at hating, telling them to kick the coach and not even suggesting a replacement lmao
I bet these guys are mad that MIBR hired Verno instead of a random cracked BR prodigy rotting in tier 2
idk how you can blame the coach when he called a timeout and out of the timeout the team decided to 5 man save....
delighted [#5]is this what their country is known for now??? was it this reactionary when Brazil lost vs Croatia in the world cup