@vctscrims deactivated account

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Dude who is gonna leak scrims now? Fuckin hell


He was larping as a Tanzanian as BRIT to get away with saying the hard R.

You know the best part of this was? He posted curled brown hair as proof that he’s black 😭😭💔💔


my guy folded under 0 pressure


I think itd be better if person that didnt say hard r behind the scenes posted scrims instead, like james ff


We don't have room for RACISTS in our SCRIM COMMUNITY!

yukky [#2]

He was larping as a Tanzanian as BRIT to get away with saying the hard R.

You know the best part of this was? He posted curled brown hair as proof that he’s black 😭😭💔💔

dude it cant be that hard to not say it

grisx23 [#6]

dude it cant be that hard to not say it

Truth be told if he just posted the screenshots and moved on, I don’t think anyone would’ve really cared

But he started crying about REPUTATION on discord 😭

And then deactivated for no reason

yukky [#7]

Truth be told if he just posted the screenshots and moved on, I don’t think anyone would’ve really cared

But he started crying about REPUTATION on discord 😭

And then deactivated for no reason

is he like famous or some shit? why does bro care

yukky [#7]

Truth be told if he just posted the screenshots and moved on, I don’t think anyone would’ve really cared

But he started crying about REPUTATION on discord 😭

And then deactivated for no reason

What do you mean man
Only respectable rich and famous people post valorant scrims, its like having a 9/5 job
He cant feed his family no more

grisx23 [#8]

is he like famous or some shit? why does bro care

Not at all

He literally posted screenshots

Kirya [#9]

What do you mean man
Only respectable rich and famous people post valorant scrims, its like having a 9/5 job
He cant feed his family no more

You’re right that twitter blue check hits really different

I might have to apologize

saebr [#5]

We don't have room for RACISTS in our SCRIM COMMUNITY!

paper rex fan btw
also yo
you read light novels in japanese?

1243 [#12]

paper rex fan btw
also yo
you read light novels in japanese?

How is being a prx fan related to the disallowment of racists in our community.

Also long time no see. also yes

saebr [#13]

How is being a prx fan related to the disallowment of racists in our community.

Also long time no see. also yes

im saying things for the sake of saying things I wanna mess wu
damn i did see a post
how can I start i wanna read re zero and mushuko tensei so bad

1243 [#14]

im saying things for the sake of saying things I wanna mess wu
damn i did see a post
how can I start i wanna read re zero and mushuko tensei so bad

how can I start i wanna read re zero and mushuko tensei so bad

Wdym? How far are you currently with japanese? are you starting from scratch

saebr [#15]

how can I start i wanna read re zero and mushuko tensei so bad

Wdym? How far are you currently with japanese? are you starting from scratch

duolingo level 😭😭😭 but like I know the common words from watching too much anime, just wanted advice on the reading part

1243 [#16]

duolingo level 😭😭😭 but like I know the common words from watching too much anime, just wanted advice on the reading part

alright i see. i would recommend spending a few minutes looking through some guides like this one. the most popular timeline for learning japanese is kana -> (grammar guide) -> anki grind -> immersion -> output. people do recommend grammar guides, but honestly i only picked up the particles and learned the rest from novels cause i cba to read through a whole guide.

anki is a flashcard app to help you learn memorize kanji. don't avoid it, kanji gets way easier once you're more familiar with it. yomitan is a popup dictionary which will let you reference jp/en definitions of words you find in subtitles, novels or games using 1 key so it is very convenient. if you want to read novels on phone (i prefer) the setup is a little different but still relatively easy.

if you really want to read mushoku tensei or re:zero it will be really hard for you right now since you don't know any of the words and you'll be searching up every single word. but you can still try and if you still find it fun that is amazing. though for other people, they may find it boring and it's recommended to start with easier novels than the ones they want to read. trust me though, it'll be super satisfying realizing you can understand the sentences you wanted to be able to read.

saebr [#17]

alright i see. i would recommend spending a few minutes looking through some guides like this one. the most popular timeline for learning japanese is kana -> (grammar guide) -> anki grind -> immersion -> output. people do recommend grammar guides, but honestly i only picked up the particles and learned the rest from novels cause i cba to read through a whole guide.

anki is a flashcard app to help you learn memorize kanji. don't avoid it, kanji gets way easier once you're more familiar with it. yomitan is a popup dictionary which will let you reference jp/en definitions of words you find in subtitles, novels or games using 1 key so it is very convenient. if you want to read novels on phone (i prefer) the setup is a little different but still relatively easy.

if you really want to read mushoku tensei or re:zero it will be really hard for you right now since you don't know any of the words and you'll be searching up every single word. but you can still try and if you still find it fun that is amazing. though for other people, they may find it boring and it's recommended to start with easier novels than the ones they want to read. trust me though, it'll be super satisfying realizing you can understand the sentences you wanted to be able to read.

i have copy pasted this into my notes app, ty :)
i will become capable of reading japanese one day, thank you sensei

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