"you need a fragging igl"

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the title is a super popular opinion on vlr these days but i still dont agree
when people say this they will point to 2024 onwards and how every winning team had an igl capable of shooting (johnqt, munchkin, nobody, stax)
saying that a team needs a fragging igl is almost the same as saying that you need all 5 players to be strong shooters, but that has not been true for 2024 onwards

  • sentinels won madrid with zellsis (widely regarded as a poor shooter)
  • gen g won shanghai with lakia (widely regarded as a poor shooter)
  • edg won champions with s1mon and nobody (nobody is definitely a capable fragger but him and s1mon each hovered around ~.9 k/d in champs and still won)

t1 is the first example of a modern trophy winning team with 5 players without a clear typical bottom fragger

my main point point is that i believe that this phenomenon of fragging igls winning trophies is just a coincidence, because i dont think its a big difference whether its your igl or midrounder flex who lacks some firepower, as you effectively get the same final result where u have 4 strong shooters

i will say that a team with both fns and ethan at one time is going to be really tough to pull off, but thats not because you have an igl who cant frag out, its more so because you have 2 players anchoring your firepower


i think its due to the meta change. game is way more aggressive right now which favors fast executes rather than defaulting. prior to 2024 rounds were played very slow (especially during chamber meta)


you dont need a fragging igl, but since im assuming this is about FNS, having diamond mechanics =/= being a non fragging igl.

you need to atleast be somewhat competent and not a deadweight


and to add all of T1 went negative in the GF

kingop3n [#4]

and to add all of T1 went negative in the GF

lotus wasn’t close at all + all of them had one or two bad maps thats why, they lead in FK/FD anyways

nooomy [#3]

you dont need a fragging igl, but since im assuming this is about FNS, having diamond mechanics =/= being a non fragging igl.

you need to atleast be somewhat competent and not a deadweight

its inspired by fns for sure, but its more ethan hate than fns belief

i see many people saying fns' fragging is the issue when ethan is also so bad at shooting


Highkey if u are outcalling the enemy team and have the control over the game then it will be easier to frag and kill people(if you have decent enough mechanics and not dia/ascendant level)


so what you’re saying is we need zellsis gone


Someone changed my mind recently, where your "worst" fragger has to be on init/flex. If your worst fragger is a senti player, I don't think you can win especially with how hard exec this game is now. Your worst fraggers have to be "with the pack" players with a strong lurker to make it work. I think this is supported by all the teams who won

sen: johnqt (senti) - zellsis/sacy (flex and init)
geng: meteor (senti) - lakia (flex and init)
EDG: chichoo (senti) - simon (flex and init)
T1: meteor (senti) - stax (flex and init)

michaelisupset [#8]

so what you’re saying is we need zellsis gone

zellsis isn't even bad

1243 [#10]

zellsis isn't even bad

i’m half joking

kfan4238173 [#6]

its inspired by fns for sure, but its more ethan hate than fns belief

i see many people saying fns' fragging is the issue when ethan is also so bad at shooting

Ethan was top frag 2/3 games. He was just bad on duelist. Clearly not a player issue as much as it is role issue

michaelisupset [#8]

so what you’re saying is we need zellsis gone

nah u can have a bad fragger like zellsis if ur igl is good enough

i think s0ns issues arent firepower

eric_5008 [#9]

Someone changed my mind recently, where your "worst" fragger has to be on init/flex. If your worst fragger is a senti player, I don't think you can win especially with how hard exec this game is now. Your worst fraggers have to be "with the pack" players with a strong lurker to make it work. I think this is supported by all the teams who won

sen: johnqt (senti) - zellsis/sacy (flex and init)
geng: meteor (senti) - lakia (flex and init)
EDG: chichoo (senti) - simon (flex and init)
T1: meteor (senti) - stax (flex and init)

this is a very good point, having fns on vyse (an agent where ur going to have to win aim duels sometimes) is rough

i agree that aim on senti is super important, and if i can only make one change to nrg it would be signing a senti for ethan and moving fns to initiator


It’s also illogical dating back to Lock In (when the narrative started getting popular), only EG has won an international with a player not being in b10 KPR. So even if you want to consider them mechanical each team has a player who didn’t frag and focused on calling/util. Reason it looks so bad for NRG is because it’s just usually not the senti(even though the biggest problem today was ethan going 6-20)

kfan4238173 [#14]

this is a very good point, having fns on vyse (an agent where ur going to have to win aim duels sometimes) is rough

i agree that aim on senti is super important, and if i can only make one change to nrg it would be signing a senti for ethan and moving fns to initiator

that would be my nrg change too

kfan4238173 [#14]

this is a very good point, having fns on vyse (an agent where ur going to have to win aim duels sometimes) is rough

i agree that aim on senti is super important, and if i can only make one change to nrg it would be signing a senti for ethan and moving fns to initiator

They should pick up Bao he’s looking insane


deadass ppl who say that are plats thinking they know everything abt the game

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