they're always rushed when it comes to benching players like give them a chance bro..
its not like they were (vitality) losing to any bums teams. they r losing to a very good team. won the kick off too
same thing applied to liquid with kamyk
aquaa018s_alterego [#3]no vit was shit against t1 and vit alr won against t1 in the tournament
btw kamyk got cut not benched
yeah ik, i meant the same thing btw
Galactc [#6]Crazy that the teams that need to give players time don't and the ones that need more time aren't given any
prx lurking in the back
gamergirl [#7]im pretty sure robbiebk trexx and kamyk were dropped for internal issues rather than performance..
Unfortunate but happens
gamergirl [#7]im pretty sure robbiebk trexx and kamyk were dropped for internal issues rather than performance..
both good moves, Liquid huge upgrade and Vitality idk, not an upgrade in terms of skill but maybe the team works better that way? I feel like the problem for vitality is the players are too passive and trexx not speaking, kicking trexx is a good move but I am not sure if this french guy they signed is the solution