Warlordwibz [#4]12 matches on 1st day.....
That sounds like BO1 ? (they would need 4 streams at same time to run 12 bo3s in a day lol)
hesketh2 [#5]That sounds like BO1 ? (they would need 4 streams at same time to run 12 bo3s in a day lol)
feel like its gonna be bo1 group stage like in red bull event. BO3 playoff and single bo5 Grand Final.
hesketh2 [#5]That sounds like BO1 ? (they would need 4 streams at same time to run 12 bo3s in a day lol)
It's probably
8 opener bo3s and 4 winner bo3s on day 1
4 loser bo3s on day 2
4 decider bo3s on day 3