So EWC recently released a list of partnered orgs (here is a link from Fnatic's twitter showing all the teams partnered with the organisation) and people are freaking out over it, which I get. You don't want your org to support something that seems morally wrong to you. It's a very human thing to think of. But let's be real here for a second. Your favourite orgs are not "The Good ones". They are business owners. Your favourite org is just a team to you, it's their whole life, the way they make money, their passion.
"But Denji, are you normalising what Saudi do? You piece of shit!!!"
I am not. And I don't want to talk about it since I don't have the qualifications or ample research to speak on such things and I don't want to spread misinformation. I am just trying to speak from their pov. It's easy to dog on someone for going against your ideals but it's really important you step in their shoes.
Most esports orgs make thousands of dollars losses each year. This tournament prize money is huge (500k for winners in LoL last year) and playing and winning this tournament can be a huge shift in their yearly turnover. In an industry where you barely see any profit whole year, I don't expect anyone to stop or not participate in it because of morals.
At the end of the day, it's Morals vs Money, Morals vs Survival and morals don't pay the salary of your players. Ideally wouldn't have to choose between these but here we are. This isn't an ideal world.