I think Canada.
I have seen so many atrocities created there.
Pizza cake, Cretons etc.
fleefrow [#3]Has to be Britain no?
thats a stereotype british food is quite good imo
I like fish and chips sunday roast, and I feel like they have one of the best breakfast all round.
Komekko [#5]thats a stereotype british food is quite good imo
I like fish and chips sunday roast, and I feel like they have one of the best breakfast all round.
I agree in that their food is alright, I kind of took the prompt as in do they have any standout dishes that are internationally recognized as great? Like Canada for instance does have poutine as one of its only decent creations whereas I can't really think of anything for Britain.
fleefrow [#10]I agree in that their food is alright, I kind of took the prompt as in do they have any standout dishes that are internationally recognized as great? Like Canada for instance does have poutine as one of its only decent creations whereas I can't really think of anything for Britain.
buddy thinks people all around the world know poutine lmao, also who calls it great? most people ive talked to think poutine is disgusting
fleefrow [#10]I agree in that their food is alright, I kind of took the prompt as in do they have any standout dishes that are internationally recognized as great? Like Canada for instance does have poutine as one of its only decent creations whereas I can't really think of anything for Britain.
Nah we got shit like chicken tikka masala, fish and chips, sausage rolls, full English, scones, crumpets and shepherd's pie that people generally recognise as being banging food
5percentTINT [#15]Whoever invented pineapple pizza
Pineapple pizza is sacrilege but not the end of the world.
my-dad-ate-my-toes [#20]Nah we got shit like chicken tikka masala, fish and chips, sausage rolls, full English, scones, crumpets and shepherd's pie that people generally recognise as being banging food
claiming chicken tikka masala </3
your first post as speaker of vlr u listening isnt looking good
my-dad-ate-my-toes [#20]Nah we got shit like chicken tikka masala, fish and chips, sausage rolls, full English, scones, crumpets and shepherd's pie that people generally recognise as being banging food
Chicken tikka masala its indian
Tacitus [#19]some states in india have them as delicacies
am gonna be honest i got no clue what ur talking abt. i have never heard abt that ever
gordonramsay [#33]Ur crazy, indian food is amazing
He's kinda right though. Indian food is great but food in India is not so good 😹😹
Unincognito [#32]Guarantee anyone who says the UK hasn’t been here
i had for 4 years and 70% of food i ate there are quite bland. So, i buy some spices from asian market
5percentTINT [#41].
If you don't get banned for writing this then mods are hypocrites. I was banned for 1 week because I said I love bat soup as a joke
UvuvwevwevweOnyetenyevwe [#50]If you don't get banned for writing this then mods are hypocrites. I was banned for 1 week because I said I love bat soup as a joke
Hey stop instigating the mods, I was already banned for a month over a Chinese joke
5percentTINT [#51]Hey stop instigating the mods, I was already banned for a month over a Chinese joke
being racist while hiding ur flag is some pussy shit my boy, reminder that covid didnt start from eating bats lol
gordonramsay [#52]being racist while hiding ur flag is some pussy shit my boy, reminder that covid didnt start from eating bats lol
I ain't hiding my flag, I'm from 🇳🇿. Guess I was banned before that's why vlr won't let me show my flag
MomoLagi [#54]From what I've tried so far, it's turkish. Very Salty, Very Sour, and Very Sweet, like seek a balance bro not everything have to be sharp tasting
nah bruh u gotta be baiting
aspassonjiezounb [#63]then Russia i mean,since the days of USSR
u clearly have not tried russian food
5percentTINT [#37]He's kinda right though. Indian food is great but food in India is not so good 😹😹
tiktok brain 👹🥀
_MythoS [#7]All “american food was first made somewhere else
you’re confusing unoriginal with not delicious
the US has great food because of its immigrants and melting pot. unoriginal yes but the food is good.
FrenchToast [#68]you’re confusing unoriginal with not delicious
the US has great food because of its immigrants and melting pot. unoriginal yes but the food is good.
I hate that people don’t understand this. US might not have many original foods, but we for sure have some of the best of every other food here.
5percentTINT [#37]He's kinda right though. Indian food is great but food in India is not so good 😹😹
TikTok brain literal knowing 5% of the cuisine itself
5percentTINT [#53]I ain't hiding my flag, I'm from 🇳🇿. Guess I was banned before that's why vlr won't let me show my flag
new zealand talking about food lol
gordonramsay [#52]being racist while hiding ur flag is some pussy shit my boy, reminder that covid didnt start from eating bats lol
Also how am I being racist here? Like seriously I love china. It's beautiful, nice history and culture. I'm just talking about the weird food they eat.
Tacitus [#19]some states in india have them as delicacies
brother we are known to be vegetarian what are you even talking about