So at first i was a big hater of this move, not only because it seemingly made no sense from the outside but also because it fucks with the team comms + the whole NRG drama etc etc.
However, after some time to get to terms with this, i dont think its as bad as i initially thought, or even bad at all. Dont get me wrong, i still think its more likely for this move to not work, but there is still hope.
For starters, Verno is a better player than NZR in pretty much every aspect of the game. He is also much younger, so he can still improve even further. Of course i always knew this, i was a hater of the move because i thought the negatives would greatly surpass the positives. But, maybe not all is doomed.
Yes, we will have to comm in English, but its not that big of a deal in the long run as soon as everyone gets used to it. Also once Verno dies ingame whe can all speak in comfortable portuguese again. As for the Verno not talking thing like listen maybe thats just a NRG problem since that ORG has been cursed for a long time now. Maybe the change of environment does well for Verno, maybe he learns his lessons and starts properlly comming... idk i might be just coping but now i genuinely think this move CAN work even if it doesnt look like it initially