Will GE perform better??
wagonVAL [#5]They will perform better but they will still be shit at the end of the day
so, just like geng?
EseemedRes1180 [#9]Roughly two weeks of prac will it be enough udo has to role change. Comp change preferably playing yoru on a couple of maps. If im GE im running deadlock every map we have one of the better deadlock player
I think it's enough if he reach korean in time
SleepingSnorlax [#11]I think they should stick with Deryeon for rest of the year changing roles would be a insane mess right now with few days left of stage 1
Naa patrick way better they can play double duelist with udo
EseemedRes1180 [#9]Roughly two weeks of prac will it be enough udo has to role change. Comp change preferably playing yoru on a couple of maps. If im GE im running deadlock every map we have one of the better deadlock player
They were practicing to play Udo sentinel after kickoff no matter if Patrick is gonna make it or not as far as I know Patrick needs to prac on util timing
SleepingSnorlax [#11]I think they should stick with Deryeon for rest of the year changing roles would be a insane mess right now with few days left of stage 1
even when patrick joins at last minute , he still clears deryeon by miles.
Ngl I think GE shouldn't play with Patrick yet on split 1, maybe if they make it to the playoff but not Swiss. The reason being is that Patrick has been absent for the past 2 months so with the role change and all GE needed to practice a new comp that they haven't played with and now with the new meta they will have more stuff to practice with and I don't think 2 weeks is enough now with the new agent and all. Imagine 2 weeks practising 2 new maps, new comps and role changes since Patrick is the duelist and Udotan has been playing that role. This means Udotan either switch back to senti while practising with the new changes after a while of not playing them, goes double duelist or puts Patrick on senti. So no matter what they will have a lot of new things to practise in 2 weeks.
sussybaka [#6]so, just like geng?
if you think everything that isn't going to an international shit, then yes, just like GenG. I doubt GE will make out of their group stage
Prathades [#25]Ngl I think GE shouldn't play with Patrick yet on split 1, maybe if they make it to the playoff but not Swiss. The reason being is that Patrick has been absent for the past 2 months so with the role change and all GE needed to practice a new comp that they haven't played with and now with the new meta they will have more stuff to practice with and I don't think 2 weeks is enough now with the new agent and all. Imagine 2 weeks practising 2 new maps, new comps and role changes since Patrick is the duelist and Udotan has been playing that role. This means Udotan either switch back to senti while practising with the new changes after a while of not playing them, goes double duelist or puts Patrick on senti. So no matter what they will have a lot of new things to practise in 2 weeks.
I have a counter: Coach picked Patrick due to his playstyle to be on GE and not deryeon