He barely plays!!! Looking like 2026 for him
He barely plays!!! Looking like 2026 for him
Aayan [#3]he's got multiple accounts
also it looks like he's able to play more games in a day now, Boaster said before he couldn't play more than like 3-4 before, so hopefully this is a good sign
Yeah, this and zizmaster take usually week long breaks
idkbro [#5]he just has like a million alts, he has actually played a pretty respectable amount of games if u combine all accounts ngl
I only know of this and zizmaster, what other ones are there?
welikefortniteandvalorant [#8]how is my king having shite stats in immo2 😿
It's so 50/50 it's crazy I guess it's the fact that he's still kinda sick
Galactc [#9]It's so 50/50 it's crazy I guess it's the fact that he's still kinda sick
Yeah it completely depends on the day, one day can be normal with long covid and the next fucking hell
TheOnion [#10]Yeah it completely depends on the day, one day can be normal with long covid and the next fucking hell
He'll have great stats for a bit and then it's shit ones for a bit maybe by stage 2 he returns and fnc make a run at champs
Galactc [#11]He'll have great stats for a bit and then it's shit ones for a bit maybe by stage 2 he returns and fnc make a run at champs
Well despite the ranked stats we all know what he can actually do
welikefortniteandvalorant [#8]how is my king having shite stats in immo2 😿
stats arent even bad lmao
Aayan [#3]he's got multiple accounts
also it looks like he's able to play more games in a day now, Boaster said before he couldn't play more than like 3-4 before, so hopefully this is a good sign
Good cope bum
NYANYANYANYAN [#15]agree. these br*ts fnc flairs r so annoying.
if youre annoyed by one of the most tame and reasonable replies on this site you need to get an mri or something
welikefortniteandvalorant [#8]how is my king having shite stats in immo2 😿
his MMR is high so he gets matched with people with radiant MMR. Visible rank doesnt mean anything once you peak at like 500RR+
Yuniee44 [#16]if youre annoyed by one of the most tame and reasonable replies on this site you need to get an mri or something
Tf did aayan say that was bad anyway Leo is recovering and he has multiple accounts both of these things are true you can find them out if you want to
Galactc [#18]Tf did aayan say that was bad anyway Leo is recovering and he has multiple accounts both of these things are true you can find them out if you want to
Brother has anger issues ig lol