1.I believe XY is best series of all time in Pokemon franchise
- Sinnoh
- Indigo league
cxrsedval [#2]xy and xyz is genuinely so goated, ash was so good and the other characters were so good too
The league is also one of the best league
Artific [#3]The league is also one of the best league
true, ash was fucking robbed bro like no way the charizard killed ash's greninja with a fire move
cxrsedval [#4]true, ash was fucking robbed bro like no way the charizard killed ash's greninja with a fire move
Greninja was my favourite Pokemon. I was so sad that he lost
Getsyuga [#7]1) OG Indigo//Johto (same thing)
2) Hoenn (Sceptile)
3) XY
4) Sun & Moon
5) Sinnoh
6) Last series with Ash
7) Black & White
8) Current
ok come on there's baiting and there's this, the current series is not worse than black and white let's be real for one second