Masters Bangkok Finals

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Now that a full day has passed since the end of Bangkok, must be heartbreaking for G2 to get so close and then lose like that. I hope they can pull a GenG and come out even stronger into stage 1 and Toronto. I've been waiting so long for Valyn, Trent and JonahP to get a Masters or Champs win, with Leaf and Jawgemo it really is feeling like their year. G2 Rise up and come back stronger.

Now since the the sadness isn't as bad today can we all appreciate what a amazing final that was? congrats to T1 they definitely deserved it also, seeing Stax and Buzz after that final round was such a cool moment, so many good hero plays on both sides and a game 5 OT finish. You really can't ask for much more from a Grand Final. What a great Event especially the playoff stages. Most people wrote T1 off before the start of the tournament, I actually had them coming 4th and losing both matches in Playoffs but they really showed they are top tier.


as much as i love a close finals, having it being close really seems more devastating to the losers. just some food for thought


G2 will come back stronger for sure. I'm hoping they pull off the win in Toronto. That grand finals though was both a great and devastating game to watch though. Definitely up there for the greatest grand finals in VCT.

Fal [#2]

as much as i love a close finals, having it being close really seems more devastating to the losers. just some food for thought

True but from a viewing standpoint it was incredible, I was on the edge of my seat the whole final map. I really thought G2 was gonna win 3-1 when Valyn had that 2v1 on Split.

Fal [#2]

as much as i love a close finals, having it being close really seems more devastating to the losers. just some food for thought

honestly I would rather lose 2-3 in a close fashion and understand that you need to just do small adjustments to win next time than get blown out 0-3 and feel like utter dog shit

Gemiknight [#3]

G2 will come back stronger for sure. I'm hoping they pull off the win in Toronto. That grand finals though was both a great and devastating game to watch though. Definitely up there for the greatest grand finals in VCT.

Yeah my blood pressure and heartrate were high watching the whole time. It really felt like G2 were gonna win it.


agreed - there were just too many storylines going into it that either way it would've been gutwrenching

fun to note tho that this was the biggest upset in an international finals (based on pre-match odds), which i think shows that by all accounts g2 probably should've won and i know valyn will be kicking himself at a couple rounds he might've misplayed but overall the level of play was quite high and a really nice game to watch

mangotan [#7]

agreed - there were just too many storylines going into it that either way it would've been gutwrenching

fun to note tho that this was the biggest upset in an international finals (based on pre-match odds), which i think shows that by all accounts g2 probably should've won and i know valyn will be kicking himself at a couple rounds he might've misplayed but overall the level of play was quite high and a really nice game to watch

Yeah couple rounds I bet Valyn would take back, but he played sooooo well that whole series, he really stepped up so it's a bit unfair of us to point out the couple times he would take back in hindsight. really hope this doesn't deflate the team into stage 1

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