How do you guys feel about the new agent and nerfs on few agent drop in opinions
SleepingSnorlax [#7]Yoru cypher and iso got nerfed
I just started maining Yoru and it's been going so well
how did he get nerfed
SleepingSnorlax [#7]Yoru cypher and iso got nerfed
Cypher nerfs in the most difficult meta in the game for sentinel players is certainly a choice that was made
What did they do to my main?
SleepingSnorlax [#13]He got one trip in the showmatch
Went through it this actually isn't true thankfully he has 2
Ailed [#11]where are the patch notes?
Stuff we can see from the showmatch since it's on the new patch I think
Notbaka [#4]Broken ass agent riot trying its best to revive the game
they could have just buffed jett and chamber
goofyahh1447 [#18]they could have just buffed jett and chamber
Buff every agent and make them equally impressive would be insane all agents meta hahaahh
IZAYA_ORIHARA [#12]when's the new update coming out with the agent?
When new season drops so prob 2-3 more days iirc
glittering_yard [#21]killed those bums Tejo and Vyse
Naah bro with deadlock buff tejo is gonna be op