was there supposed to be a new agent and map in the showmatch? now everyone is just talking like it’s a new agent i swear i heard it was both a while ago
foythvlr [#5]there was never a map.. rotation was announced ages ago
idk why tho abyss is like 8 months old already
maybe they are slowing down and focusing on agents now (two agents in two months is crazy)
oh yeah i knew the rotation was -bind -abass +assbox + assent i have literally no idea why i thought i heard this somewhere
FrenchToast [#3]unless i have dementia, i don’t think riot has ever released an agent and map together? i’m not crazy right ?
Ur right
Ullyr [#9]Actually wait won't they tease a new duelist at the finals?
they're gonna release the trailer and showcase it at the showmatch
FrenchToast [#3]unless i have dementia, i don’t think riot has ever released an agent and map together? i’m not crazy right ?
reyna and ascent released on the same day